Stand with Bandcamp to support black musicians and NAACP Legal Defense Fund


Today, from midnight to midnight Pacific Time, Bandcamp is waiving its share of sales to support artists impacted by Covid-19. Following the recent tragic events - the murders of George Floyd and the wave of global protests against racial discrimination - Bandcamp as well as concerned musicians from around the world call to use this opportunity to support their favorite black artists.

Here is a short link to the spreadsheet of black artists and black-owned labels on Bandcamp.  

Also, today some musicians will donate their revenue of sales to black led initiatives, organisations, and bail funds. The initiative has been already joined by Caterina Barbieri, Lyra Pramyk and her label Bedroom Community, Club Chai, selection of Polish labels, and many others.

The next revshare-free Friday is June 19. Bandcamp will be donating 100% of their share of sales to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund. More info here.

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